2020金點設計獎頒獎典禮 Golden Pin Design Award 2020 Ceremony
2020金點設計獎頒獎典禮即將登場!12/11同步中英雙語直播 金點設計獎將於12月11日在台北盛大舉辦頒獎典禮!今年典禮以疫情影響下充滿變化與挑戰的「2020」為主題,象徵改變的契機,並以超越往年的高規格,為設計人打造盛典。 今年金點設計獎與金點概念設計獎,共有91件來自台灣、中國大陸、香港、泰國、波蘭、印度等地作品,將角逐象徵最高榮譽的「年度最佳設計獎」。究竟獎落誰家?典禮當天揭曉! 典禮實況將於12/11晚間6點(GMT+8)於官方Facebook及YouTube同步中英雙語直播,歡迎準時收看! 2020 Golden Pin Design Awards Ceremony streaming on 12/11 in both Mandarin and English Golden Pin Design Awards will hold a grand ceremony in Taipei on December 11th. Under the changing and challenging global situations, the ceremony highlights “2020” as an opportunity for change. In Golden Pin Design Award and Golden Pin Concept Design Award this year, 91 nominated entries from Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Poland, and India will compete for the Best Design trophies. Winners will be revealed at the ceremony. The ceremony will be livestreaming on official Facebook page and YouTube channel in both Mandarin and English at 6pm on December 11th Taipei Time. Stay tuned to celebrate with winners together!